Raffle tickets for a Benelli Montefeltro Sporting Shotgun are available from SW Rotarians: $10 for one or $25 for 3. Need not be present to win. Message us for tickets.
Register before June 1st and save some money!
Look for more information here and on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/rotaryswwf. Register there now to assure your team’s place!
This fundraiser enables Southwest Rotary to support local and international projects, making our world a better place. If you are interested in sponsorship click for more information or contact us to be a sponsor. Link to download information. Link to email to be a sponsor
We are shooting at North Texas Field and Stream’s shooting facility at 4472 Old Friberg Rd, Wichita Falls, TX 76305. 
Coffee, juice and snacks greet our guests. As each shooter registers (around 10am), they receive one part of a two part numbered door prize ticket. Optional practice shooting rounds finish before lunch. After a great lunch, we start the Shoot.
As shooters progress through the course, we tape the other halves of the door prize ticket on the door prizes. When shooters finish shooting, they can browse the door prize tables where prizes are arranged in the order of the number on the ticket half. Shooters match their ticket and claim their prize.
Last year thanks our door prize donors, we had a door prize for every shooter - and they appreciated it. Door prizes ranged from gift cards at restaurants and retailers, boxes of shells, gun cases, knives, gift basket arrangements of goods. While most door prize donor’s provided gifts, some provided funds we used to purchase a broader range of door prizes.
As shooters find their own door prize, we use the time to tally scores posting scores for shooters and teams scores as folks finish the course. A team’s score is the sum of best 4 of 5 shooters. Once everyone has finished shooting, we determine prize winners for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place teams, best man and best woman.
Here are photo’s and a summary from last year’s Oct 2020 event last year: https://southwestrotary.com/page/2020-clay-shoot-oct-17-2020
Please consider supporting our efforts to improve our community by purchasing raffle tickets, door prizes or event sponsorships.
We are excited about the upcoming June 12, 2021 Sporting Clay Shoot and look forward to another great event. Please join us.