Club President Penny Miller recognizes the great Public Image work of members Jean Hall and Mike Mitchell.
The clubs Face Book page has grown to a post reach of 700 in the last 28 days while actually engaging 254 vistors. We have 17 new page likes and 18 new followers.
So, what does all that data mean? The good news is that our posts have been seen by 700 Face Book viewers of which 254 actually took the time to read about our club activities last month. 17 visitors liked what they saw and 18 want to see our post more.
According to Club President, Penny Miller, Jean Hall has been posting some wonderful graphics on our Facebook page. Penny says, "they really do a great job of telling the story of Rotary and of our club". Mike Mitchell has also been making posts about our club and has been working hard to bring potential members to visit. Our FB page has the capability of creating interest in our club that all our members can share with friends and neighbors as Mike has done.
Below are great examples of Jean's eye grabbing graphics that so many have "clicked" on...each with a description and one of our members "in action"
Please take the time to give a shout out to Jean and Mike. We are asking all members, join them in placing posts of your own on our Face Book page.